Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Welcome to the World....of Blogging

Hi Everyone!

I have never written a blog before nor have I read any but I think it is supposed to be like a written dialog and depending on the purpose would cause the formality to change.

I have decided to make a blog about traveling the world. I wanted something that I know alot about and could write continuously on to keep the theme connected. Throughout my posts I hope to touch on ignite conversations on:
  • Modes of traveling (Flight, Cruising, Driving)
  • Domestic vs International Travel
  • Great Travel locations!!! 
    • Where I have been
    • Where I want to go
  • Money saving techniques
  • Planning your travel
  • & More!!!!

I am aiming to help people save money as I try to do when I am booking my vacations, but also to get people excited about travel because the world is such a big, beautiful place and not experiencing all that it has to offer is truly a waste.

I love quotes so I think that I will find insightful quotes that I think go along with each post as a way to wrap it up.

Leave this post thinking about this...
"Genuine beginnings begin within us, even when they are brought to our attention by external opportunities."
William Bridges