I have never written a blog before nor have I read any but I think it is supposed to be like a written dialog and depending on the purpose would cause the formality to change.
I have decided to make a blog about traveling the world. I wanted something that I know alot about and could write continuously on to keep the theme connected. Throughout my posts I hope to touch on ignite conversations on:
- Modes of traveling (Flight, Cruising, Driving)
- Domestic vs International Travel
- Great Travel locations!!!
- Where I have been
- Where I want to go
- Money saving techniques
- Planning your travel
- & More!!!!
I am aiming to help people save money as I try to do when I am booking my vacations, but also to get people excited about travel because the world is such a big, beautiful place and not experiencing all that it has to offer is truly a waste.
I love quotes so I think that I will find insightful quotes that I think go along with each post as a way to wrap it up.
Leave this post thinking about this...
"Genuine beginnings begin within us, even when they are brought to our attention by external opportunities."
William Bridges
William Bridges